How is León an inspirtation?

 León de Greiff is Inspiration

León de Greiff is an inspirational poet that changed my perspective about how I can be successful in life. I was inspired by his biography of outstanding achievements and have admired him since the first moment I read about him. He is a great writer which innovated poetry in literature, changing the way of looking at daily life.


León de Greiff was born in July 22, 1895 in Medellin, Colombia. He was born into a family with a great history ancestries, because his mother was German and father Swedish. Lucky this, I believe he had the opportunity to include in his writings different cultures and thoughts, becoming an innovative writer. Being known because his stylistic innovations in poetry and deliberately eclectic use of obscure lexicon, being an encourager of the literary movement: modernism.


Since he was young he demonstrate considerable literary concern, developing an innovation, real innovation stile in his writings. So, I really believe he was on target to change the normal perspective of writing that most of the writers have, making their works not difficult and the symbolism they gave to them; which is the opposite way León used. Because of the thousands of times dark symbolism he used, due to the double ascendancy he had in this family. Moreover, his works are: complex, introverted, sarcastic, discontented, imaginative, explosions of rhythms and words of madness.


Nowadays, I thanks to what I learned about him: 1. be creative and innovative in everything I do for changing the way that others see something, 2. never stop searching for new qualities I may have in what I like, and 3.helping others to continue believing in what they are good for. The first thing I learned, he had it in the moment he realized he may change literature by innovating and creating different styles in writing for making other realized it was a better idea than the normal one they were following. The second, he realized he can used the double offspring he had, using it in favour for the new style of writing he was going to create. And the third, he make it up when he created a cultural movement: “Cultural Promotion and Fine Arts”, conform of intellectuals and artists with different talents in writing. And thanks of the different talents he found, he created: modernism.


In conclusion, León de Greiff is an inspirational poet that changed my perspective about how I can be successful in life; taking into account the three aspects I learned from him. So, I do really consider their works will to be remain a boom for society and Literature.