Who is Hernan Diaz?



 Hernan diaz was a photographer, born in Tolima in 1931, he died in 2009 at the age of 78. He is known for being the foremost professional photographer during the second half of the twentieth century in Colombia. When he was old enough, he went to Paris to study in the IDHEC and in the Westport University where he was curiously student of Irving Penn, a well known member of the American Society of Magazine Photographers. He owes much of his succes to the local magazines and newpapers of Colombia, due to the fact that they piblished his work. Just to give an example "Cromos"(a colombian magazine) made a section called "Encuentros con Hernan Diaz" in which they showed his work.

Family Background

His father's passion was photography and that at home he used to have a desk to revealed pictures and his mother always help him with that task. That's how he end up liking photography. This career was very epensive; therfore, when was old enough, his parents decided that it was time for him to take care of himself.


In the 60's despite of the difficult situation, he opened "Memorabilia" the first shop of photografic art in the country and since then he made numerous expositions of his art. In the 70's he founded a school in order to teach his technique to young people. For his work he had receive various prizes among them: The national prize of photography Fede World first prize poster competition. Finally since 1982, 100 of his best works traveling around the world in a exposition Documentos de Identidad". 

© 2015: Juan Esteban Rodriguez

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