How Hernan's life behind the lens inspired

Life behind the lens

Hernan Diaz was a photographer, born in Tolima in 1931, the died in 2009 at the age of 78. He is known for being the foremost professional photographer during the second half of the twentieth century in Colombia.This outstanding photographer has been recogmized in many occasions , and after following his successful career I can say he has a lot to learn from. Despite the fact that his works were the ones which made him successful, it's from his personal life where I was able to learn the most.

Something that I found interesting was that he didn't take all his pictures with a single type of camera. On yhe contrary, he would took  the same picture with different types of cameras. At the begining of his career, while learning the art of photography, he needed to choose one camera for all the photographs he must take for his exam. He took the same 20 pictures wuth fuve diferrent cameras, because he believed the camera told you which the best was. This made me think about seeing  life not from only opne perspective, but from different points of view. By doing this I learnd to understand other's point of virew before criticising.

Something else that inspired me about his life, were his beliefs about work. He thought that was better not doing something, rather than doing something in a mediocre way. He believed that despite it must be difficult, you must give it your best shot to every single thing you do. Because the quality of your work talk about you as a person, you must strive and give the best of you in everything you do. I learned that by doing mediocre things I become mediocre myself, so I must work hard to accomplish my goals.

It also called my attention that he wrote a book, where he admired others work and compared them with his own photographs. In his book, “Six Contemporary Colombian Artists” he compares photography with painting. I found this very interesting because these are considered disciplines as different as water and oil; however, Diaz was able to establish a relation between these two arts. By making this he inspired me to compare my interests with others, while I enrich my knowledge.

To sum up, I can say that more than his works, the real inspiration comes from his personal life. Despite he being an outstanding photographer, his actions in life are the ones that motivate me to see life behind the lens. I believe that by applying this in my life, the experience of living will be more interesting. Hernan Diaz taught me to see life in different perspectives, while I share with others.


© 2015: Juan Esteban Rodriguez